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For some experience


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A very simple way to impruve my english skill it's to speak on them or try to write something - so we can try, also a good way it's to learning word's and reading books on English.

Once i tried to learn words from dictionary, but after thirty words on "a" i was throwing up =), few day's ago i've got a TOP2500 words dictionary - this file is bottom;

also i tried to speak English on british chat site, but their slang is too crazy =), maiby anyone have some good idea's how to learn English in easy way? =)



Try to read books about Harry Potter with dictionary on the knees. Naturally, in printed variant. I sure you'll new many new words and phrases which repeat very often in this novels :)

I did so few years ago. And after this I cannot read russian tranlations, coz it threw me into deep boredom :)


To improve your English you should read original books,play original video games.To say the least,language practice is a crucial factor in your study.Regular chatting with native speaker will help you to sharpen your skills

Try to read books about Harry Potter with dictionary on the knees. Naturally, in printed variant. I sure you'll new many new words and phrases which repeat very often in this novels :)

I did so few years ago. And after this I cannot read russian tranlations, coz it threw me into deep boredom :)

and how find a original printed variant?


in one a british chat, when i just entered to the chanel some guy posted to me: "U probably arbroath visitor?" i answered "u really meen it?", he sad "Yep, couse u've amazingly strange nick" =)

after that i used just "van" =);

ursa, where does your nickname come from? An astronomical bear? =)



all previous suggestions are ok, but the best way is to watch movies or tV programs in original. ONLY!!! Believe me! Just get sattelite and improve as long as you can... Good luck!


-- how will be "ясен пень" in english?

-- "yasen pen", naturally!


btw, for people who wish to study some basics, I can share Conan Doyle books, "easy english" edition (no old-fashioned phrases included), like Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. its dramatically helpful for individual vocabulary also these books are full of common speaking phrases (like "thousand of Devils, canaglias!!)

btw, for people who wish to study some basics, I can share Conan Doyle books, "easy english" edition (no old-fashioned phrases included), like Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

- how will be "валяй" in english?


vanabee, by book I mean that old-fashioned paper thingies with, ehh, paper and glue (hehe) and hardly edited text. also I have a rule - when I sharing books, I will ask you something in exchange (your old ABC and erotic thriller cheapos are not counted). give me a word to PM and we'll agree about sharing


something in exchange, but not erotic thriller? seems could be very difficult for me - I have few "hello world" programs and a little more tv-screen films, also can embroider with a dagger... if it was really hard work leave to yourself, I'll try some "Harry Potter" or something like that


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