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Fallout II Forever!!!


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Закончен Fallout 2 Restoration Project от killap'a.

Автор пишет: "Наконец-то наступил день релиза. Около двух лет ушло, чтобы закончить мод, и я уверен, что есть еще немало того, что можно добавить. Цель данного мода - вернуть в игру все то, что изначально планировалось разработчиками, но до релиза не дошло. Это 6 новых локаций (больших и поменьше), а также новые карты к старым локациям. Более того, почти каждый город претерпел некоторые изменения, будь то новые персонажи, квесты или предметы."


Скачати інсталятор + Fallout 2 Restoration Project на форумі NMA

Список змін, що вносить даний мод:

New Locations:



• Primitive Tribe

• Abbey

• Vault Village

• Slaver's Camp

• Hubologist Stash

• Den Residential Area

• Enclave Vertibird Landing Pad

• Ranger Safe Houses

New Karma title:


• New title given at the start of the game. Can be lost depending on the choices you make.

Changes To Old Locations:




• Stealing from the Elder's chest, Hakunin chest, or Aunt Morlis' vase will result in a karma drop.

• Ability to plant new seeds obtained from the EPA.

The Den:


• New Area: Den Residential

• New Character: Petey - A druggie who lives in the alley

• New Quest: Orphanage - get the children of The Den off the streets

• New Item: Anna's diary

• Learn more about the whereabouts of Sulik's sister

• An extended gang war quest. Now involves going to the party Tyler is at.



• There is now another way of killing Keeng Ra'at. Be observant of the scenery.

• Extended Cattle Rustling Quest.

• Extended dialogue for Maida Buckner - before neither she nor her mother would give you info about the town (would send you in a wild goose chase - ask Mom, ask daughter, ask mom, etc)

• Unlocked voice dialogue for Sulik regarding his sister (won't notice until Primitive Tribe area)



• It is now possible to cure Fannie of her jet addiction.

• It is now possible to make Fannie OD on jet.

• Support beams in the mines are now destructible.

• Killing all the miners prevents there from being a good ending for Redding.



• It is now possible when falling down in the Ghost Caves or being expelled from the Modoc toilet to break a limb. (Party members are affected too)

New Reno:


• New Character: Three Card Monte and his bodyguard

• The ability to tell jokes as a male or dance as a female at one of the casinos

• A more involved find Lloyd quest

-New Character: Nikki

• New Character: The Barking Man

-Connected to the EPA

• An extended way of getting into the Stables as a woman

-before if you went to the Stables (as a hooker) you would just be dropped off at the main gate and nothing really new happened.

• Unlocked voice dialogue for Myron regarding the location of the EPA

Sierra Army Depot:


• Trip Wire now works as intended.

Vault City:


• New Location: Village Outside Vault City

-New characters involved as well as several others modified to fit the quest.

• Learn some info about the Vault Experiments from Vault City's Vault.



• Mess with the Enclave on the Gecko computer and feel the wrath of the verti assault encounter.

• Lenny now glows in the dark when you use a radioactive drink on him.

• Ability to become addicted to the game of Tragic.

• Lenny now carries a Zip gun when you first encounter him.

Broken Hills:


• New Quest: Money Skimming Quest

-New characters involved as well as several others modified to fit the quest.

-Unlocked voice dialogue from Marcus



• Nonviolent end to Raiders. (Shadow Who Walks)



• Ability to attack Ranger safe houses as a Slaver.

• Ability to attack Slaver Camp as a Ranger.

Vault 13:


• Find out the real truth behind the Vault Experiments.

San Francisco:


• Return the missing Shi biology corpse

• New location obtained: Hubologist stash



• Ability to fly to Enclave in a vertibird.



• Ability to set off the nuke found on the Presidential level.

Random Encounters:


• Ability to get location of EPA from Random Traveler

• 5 Kaga encounters (he was the previous Chosen One and is now trying to kill you)

• Shaman and Chieftain now found in Nomad encounters.

• Ability to save Homesteaders and then receive a reward for your service.

• Homesteader encounters now contain children.

• Space shuttle special encounter now has the Phazer.

Хороший привід щоб ще раз пройти улюблену гру :D

  • 2 року потому...

на меня наплыла ностальгия и вот случайно нарыл и очень рад был))http://www.fonline.ru/news.php и вот еще http://www.wasteland-news.ru ! Короче старый добрый фолл2 можно играть по инету как линейку2)) уже скачал все что нужно


правда сервер чего то не работает( только английский сервер работает а такой нет что то отключили а так нормально!)Все форумцы го на баталии))вспомним хорошие дни)


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